Omnivore - The #ATLBurgerSmackdown needs your vote

Fill the last spot in our burger smackdown


Love burgers? Of course you do. And now, Atlanta, it is time to make your burger-loving voices heard. The dining team here at CL has been sampling the city’s most beloved cheeseburgers as part of our soon-to-be-published 2014 Atlanta Burger Smackdown. After an intense, fisticuff-filled elimination process, we narrowed down our contenders to eleven. But we want your help in filling the twelfth and final spot...

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While we’re not yet divulging the list of our eleven contenders, the ambitious sleuths among you can scour Twitter and Instagram (#ATLBurgerSmackdown) for clues. The nominees for your consideration include Cypress Street Pint & Plate (Sublime Doughnut burger), the Pinewood (Pinewood Cheeseburger), Kevin Rathbun Steak (Prime Wagyu Ribeye Burger), the Red Eyed Mule (Jake’s L’il Daddy), Seven Lamps, Lusca, and Ssam Burger (Kimcheese). FYI - all the burgers must be regularly available, made with at least 50 percent beef, and we’re excluding burger-centric chains both large and small to focus on local independents, so you Flip and Five Guys and Farm Burger fans will have to wait for another day.

Click here to vote for the one place you think is most worthy of inclusion as our twelfth burger contender, or if you have a write-in choice that you think we may have missed, please leave it in the comments. We’ll include the winning vote-getter in our smackdown to see how it stacks up against the other eleven burger brawlers already in contention. Voting ends this Friday, Aug. 29 at 6 p.m.