Mayoral Runoff Race: Who’s Backing Whom

In case you’re not voting for write-in candidate Alex Barrella...

Joeff Candidates

Well, this damned contest is almost over. Atlanta’s next mayor will likely be decided some time around midnight. Or maybe 1 a.m. It’ll be dark outside; we know that.

We’re not picking a favorite in this outrageous contest. We just hope the results are definitive. We want to sleep tonight.

We’ve compiled a not-so-comprehensive list of who supports whom, in case you’re one of those people who needs some celebrity to tell them what to do.

Keisha Lance BottomsMary Norwood            

Atlanta Mayor Kasim ReedFmr. Mayor Shirley Franklin
Fmr. Mayor Andrew YoungFmr. Mayor Sam Massell
Michael “Killer Mike” Render, rapperFmr. Council Prez. Cathy Woolard
Gov. Candidate Stacey EvansFmr. COO Peter Aman
Councilman Kwanza HallCouncil Prez. Ceasar Mitchell
Georgia DemocratsGeorgia Equality
Mawuli Davis, attorneyTim Franzen, community organizer
Fmr. state Sen. Jason CarterBuckhead Coalition
U.S. Sen. Cory BookerAtlanta Progressive News
Jon Ossoff, almost a politicianLonnie Johnson, inventor

And don’t forget to consider write-in candidate Alex Barrella.

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